
Ritec assumes social respon­si­bility

Securing education with Fly & Help

Ritec would like to use the year 2022 in particular to say thank you and give something back. After careful consideration and extensive research, we have therefore decided to support the Reiner Meutsch Foundation FLY & HELP.

Reiner Meutsch, the founder of the foundation, made his lifelong dream come true in 2010 and travelled around the world in a small plane. He visited and supported several aid projects in Ghana, Rwanda, India, Indonesia and Brazil.

Today, twelve years later, Fly & Help has already successfully realised over 560 school projects in 52 countries. The organisation is dedicated to the mission of giving children in developing countries a better future by building schools. Only if children can read, write and calculate they will have the chance of a self-determined future.

In our anniversary year, we have set ourselves the goal of funding and supporting an entire school construction project. In 2022, we will donate a partial amount for each complete camera system sold. The amount of the donation ranges from € 25 to € 500, depending on the product.  Of course, it is also possible to support the donation project privately or as a company. Detailed information about Fly & Help, Ritec's donation program as well as the donation account can be found on our homepage under the heading  We say thank you.

For the anniversary year 2022, Ritec wishes above all for health, peace as well as conversations and moments that bring further.


school in africa
school in africa

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